Operating Systems


Heath Disk Operating System. Four versions were released by Heath: 1.0, 1.5, 1.6, and 2.0 which was the last official version released by Heath. A 3.0 version was released by a third party.


Heath released three version of CP/M-80: 2.2.02, 2.2.03, and 2.2.04. Magnolia Microsystems also released 1.4, 2.2, and 3.0 versions of CP/M. CP/M 3.0 was only available with their 128K memory card. DG Electronics offered CP/M Plus and MP/M.

UCSD P-System with Pascal

A version of Pascal from the University of California San Diego, Version II


I don't have much information on this. I recently received a copy in an acquistion.


I have never used this, and don't know much about it.

Last Modified: Sunday, 25-Feb-2024 22:43:53 PST

Contact Details

Mark Garlanger

Email: heathkit [at] garlanger [dot] com

If you email me, PLEASE check your spam filter for any responses.

Website: www.garlanger.com



This site is dedicated to preserving the history of the original Heathkit computers. This includes the 8-bit H-8 and 16-bit H-11 systems, released in 1977, and the 8-bit H89 which was released in 1979.