Disk Systems for the H8 and H/Z-89/90 Computers
Heath Company and ZDS offered many storage options for the H8 and H-89 computers.The H8 initially only offered a cassette drive or paper tape punch/reader, but once disk drives were available, cassettes and paper tape quickly faded away.
Disk Controllers
Heath Company offered 3 different controllers for the H8 and 4 controllers for the H89. There were also third party companies that offered other controllers.
H8 Controllers
H-8-17 - 5.25" Hard-sectored floppy disk controller
WH-8-47 - 8" Floppy disk controller.
WH-8-37 - Supported both 5.25" soft-sectored floppies and the Z-67 disk system.
H89 Controllers
H-88-1 - 5.25" Hard-sectored floppy disk controller
Z-89-37 - 5.25" Soft-sectored floppy disk controller
WH-89-47/Z-89-47 - 8" floppy disk controller
Z-89-67 - SASI Winchester disk controller
The most common disk system for the H89 used 5.25" hard-sectored disks. The H-88-1 disk controller card came standard on the H89/Z89 and was connected to the internal floppy disk drive. The H-88-1 was an optional upgrade for the H88. The Z-89-37 controller allowed use of the more common soft-sectored diskettes and was required to support the double-sided/double density/96 TPI drives. The Z-89-37 came standard on the Z90, it was an optional upgrade for the H88/H89/Z89. Heath Company also offered the Z-89-47 controller to support dual 8" floppy drives in the Z-47, and the Z-89-67 controller to support the 8" Winchester (SASI) disk drive in the Z-67.
External Cases
H-17/H17-3 - An external case, which came in kit-form, with support for up to 3 - 5.25" floppy disk drives. These drives were single-sided/single-density/48 tpi. This was marketed to be used with the H8, but it can also be used with the H-89.
H-37/Z-37 - An external case with support for up 2 - 5.25" floppy disk drives. These drives were double-sided/double-density/96 tpi.
Z-47 - An external case that came with two 8" floppy disk drives.
Z-67 - An assembled external case with a 10 MB SASI Winchester drive and one 8" floppy disk drive.
H-77 - An external case which supports up to 2 -5.25" floppy disk drives. These drives were single-sided/single-density/48 tpi.
Z-87 - An assembled external case that came with 2 -5.25" disk drives. These drives were single-sided/single-density/48 tpi.
WH-24-1 - TI-810
H36 - LA36 DEC Writer II Printer/Terminal
H-44 - Diablo 1640 Daisy Wheel Printer
WH-13 - Cat Acoustic Modem by Novation
WH-23 - Lexicon Lex-11 Acoustic Modem
WH-33 - UDS Direct-Connect Modem
WH-43 - Hayes Stack Smartmodem
WH-12 - Type-N-Talk Speech Synthesizer by Votrax