Sunflower Software, Inc.

Location: Prairie Village, KS


I was contacted by Rick Kerbel, the former president of Sunflower Software, who was able to grant non-commerical use for the titles that he had written. Some of the titles Sunflower Software offered were written by others and just sold by Sunflower, so those titles he was not able to grant permission. He granted permission for the following titles: Control, Disksort/Merge, Fireman, General Ledger, User, Meteors, DualPort, Mailmate, Search And Print, E.A.S.Y., US States, Magic Menu, Utilities, and HDOSx2. I have some of these titles and will image and upload them shortly.

Software Products

Word Processing

Wordpro - A text editor/formatter heavy on features. When used with a DIABLO printer, expect proportional word spacing, subscripts and exponents, etc. Takes the work out of word processing. HDOS $59.95

SpelGud/SuperFog - Flags misspelled words on your documents or correspondence. Calculates suggested grade level of comprehension. HDOS or CP/M $45.95


States - Teaches state recognition from graphic maps, capitals, nicknames, flowers, birds, trees, and largest cities. An excellent geography learning aid. DUALFORMAT $24.95

Math - Aids the younger student in all four arithmetic functions. Will solve his school-work or generate arithmetic or word problems for him. Uses large graphic numerals. DUALFORMAT $24.95


Fireman - Fireman is a video action game which requires good eye and quick reflexes while still being simple enough for the youngsters to enjoy. DUALFORMAT $19.95

Data Management

MailMate - Prints Labels, Letters, or Lists. Merge Label data into your letters. A host of user definable options. Map driven output lets you determine output formats. HDOS or CP/M $39.95

SY0:NameList - Single drive Name/Address/Phone manager. Operates in turn-key fashion. No experience necessary. HDOS/MBASIC $19.95


S-BASIC - Translates a "structured Basic (B.H. or Microsoft) program into executable statements. An excellent introduction to other Structured Languages. HDOS $49.95

CONTROL - A Data Entry/Base Language compiler. Supports data input editing and Random data retreival and update. Write business applications in a fraction of the time. HDOS $99.95


DUALPORT - Modifies HDOS to permit a "2nd" device to duplicate the I/O of your console terminal. Eleven functions give added control and security. HDOS $39.95

MAGIC MENU - Converts any system to turn-key operation. Menu calls BASIC/ABS/or any other program from command mode, and all programs automatically return to menu. Even executes multiple command strings. Menu headings are user defined. HDOS $29.95

S.A.P. - 5 utilities (CP/M, only the first 2) Search and Print, MSMAP, PHLAGS, DIRSORT, HMOD2. HDOS or CP/M $19.95

DISKSORT - Sorts any disk file (external) regardless of size. Select FIXED, VARIABLE, OR MULTIPLE RECORD records. HDOS $29.95


Applied Statistics - Complete statistis pakage for the engineer or student. All statistical functions including histogram. DUALFORMAT/MBASIC $59.95

Executive Appointment SecretarY - Keeps track of appointments, meetings and schedules. Full screen display for each day. Ideal for Doctors, Lawyers, or anyone with a busy schedule. HDOS or CP/M $39.95

SY0:BILLING - Complete balance forward billing system designed for one drive. Accomodates 40 Accounts. Transactions are entered quickly and accurately. HDOS/MBASIC $39.95


President: Rick Kerbel

Current Status: Assumed closed


Last Modified: Sunday, 25-Feb-2024 22:35:23 PST

Contact Details

Mark Garlanger

Email: heathkit [at] garlanger [dot] com

If you email me, PLEASE check your spam filter for any responses.




This site is dedicated to preserving the history of the original Heathkit computers. This includes the 8-bit H-8 and 16-bit H-11 systems, released in 1977, and the 8-bit H89 which was released in 1979.