Kres Engineering

Location: Irvine, CA

H/Z89 Hardware

EXP-700 Expansion - 7 slots, $395

Manual: EXP-700 Manual

IRM-517 IC Replacement Module (routes signals to EXP-700) Manual

DSM-240 2/4 MHz speedup modules for the H89, $79.95

Manual: DSM-240 Manual

Color Graphics - 192x256 pixels, 15 colors, 3D sprites, RGB and composite outputs

Music Board - 4 part harmony in stereo $125

PPT-330 Three-port parallel I/O board

H/Z89 Accessories

KMR-100 - replacement monitor ROM

The KMR-100 is a replacement monitor ROM for the Heathkit H89 computer that provides many additional features for any H/Z89-90 owner. Owners of KRES Engineering hardware will find commands that support their hardware.

Version: 3.A.02: ROM Image

Manual: KMR-100 Manual

RBP-200 Backplace - replacement rear panel with 20 openings $35

SCF-100 Fan - supplemental fan helps keep it cool $49.95

Manual: SCF-100 Manual

RPS-100 Power Supply - 5 volts at 10 amps - slips right in

EPC-100 Prototyping Cards - for left, right and ambi-bus $39.95

Joysticks - spring centering or floating $69.96

Software Products

PMM-100 - Manual

PMM-300 - Manual

Other docs


Co-founder: Kenneth Smith

Dates: 1981 - 1997 (supporting Heath products) through 2018 (as consulting engineers)

Current Status: Closed

Last Modified: Monday, 12-Aug-2024 21:11:45 PDT

Contact Details

Mark Garlanger

Email: heathkit [at] garlanger [dot] com

If you email me, PLEASE check your spam filter for any responses.




This site is dedicated to preserving the history of the original Heathkit computers. This includes the 8-bit H-8 and 16-bit H-11 systems, released in 1977, and the 8-bit H89 which was released in 1979.