ANAPRO (was Analytical Products)
Location: Buellton, CA
Hardware Products
4 MHz speedup module for the H89, $45
6 MHz speedup modules for the H89, $59
REP3 - Auto-Key repeat for the H19/H89 (pictures coming) - kit $35, assembled $45
TIM2 - Real-Time Clock for the H89 - plugged into left slot - kit: $65, assembled $75
Right-angle Card Extender for the H89
Software Products
CPC - a CP/M to PC-DOS transfer program. $35
CPC copyright info - " Technically, the code is copyright by me and Grant Gustafson, but Grant has
long ago expressed willingness to share it all. Hope you can make good use
of it.
Peter ShkabaraKolya23 <at> gmail <dot> com" - source SEBHC google group message.
EMULATE - Allows reading/writing of other CP/M file formats with the Z-89-37 soft-sectored controller. $59
Emulate copyright info - "Emulate was copyrighted only by me and I am releasing it for anyone to use as appropriate.
Peter ShkabaraKolya23 <at> gmail <dot> com" - source SEBHC google group message.
ZCPR3 - bootable Z-System for H89/H8, Includes ZRDOS+ and book $98
Comments from Peter Shkabara
Due to the low volume of the last two products (ed. TIM2, H89 Extender), I manufactured the PCBs myself in a home lab. Unfortunately, at one point the manufacturer of the raw PCB material lost their capability to produce the proper photoresist and I could not produce any more boards!
Owner/CEO: Peter Shkabara
Dates: 1983 - early 1990s.
Current Status: Company has been dissolved.