**** CATALOG **** Micronics Technology Suite 159, 54 Dalraida Road Montgomery, AL 36109 Voice: (205)-244-1597 BBS: (205)-244-0192 Dear Computer User: June 10, 1989 Thank you for your interest in our products. We are pleased to announce a price reduction on our H89 winchester. The price is now $419 reduced from $475. NEW PRODUCTS We are now selling the Smart Watch for H-150/160, Z-100, and Z- 138/148/158/159. The price is only $29. The Smart Watch installs in your ROM socket, freeing up the slot used by your current clock. MT PAL is a 704k H-150/160 memory PAL available NOW for only $19.95 ($9.95 for each additional MTPAL). Super PAL, a 1.2 meg memory PAL for the H/Z 150 and 160 computers is now ready to ship. Super PAL will allow you to place 1.2 meg of memory on one memory card and provide 640k system memory and a 640k RAM disk. The price is $29. These prices do not include memory chips. We now sell Everex memory, I/O, controller, and graphics cards. Check with us for the best price on these high performance products. The 2400 baud external modem Hayes compatibility with a built in speaker phone is only $199. The 2400 baud internal modem is only $149! Add $10 for MNP error correction. New financial software will also be available for all Zenith computers. Perfect Money (available NOW) will tell you everything you ever wanted to know about your loans and savings. Perfect Fund helps you manage stock and money funds by providing growth summaries and performance data (available later this year). PRICE POLICY and Warranty Our revised product and price list, shown below, supersedes all previous prices and shipping charges. Prices are subject to change without notice. Please specify disk format, computer, and operating system version for all software and H89 Speed Mod orders. You may order by phone or writing us at the above address. Mail orders require a check, VISA or MasterCard number (with expiration date), for the total price of the products ordered plus shipping. Minimum VISA and MC orders are $15. Alabama residents please add 8% sales tax. Returns must be authorized prior to shipping and are subject to a 20% restocking fee (except for the satisfaction guaranteed H-150 Speed Mod). Products manufactured by Micronics Technology are warranted for 90 days. Warranties for products which we resell are handled by the manufacturer. We GUARANTEE compatibility with Heath/Zenith computers. BUSINESS HOURS Our normal business hours are 6 to 8 PM CST, Monday through Friday and 9- 12 AM on Saturdays. If you call during the day, please leave a message on our answering machine with a phone number where we can reach you during the evening. We will return your call. SOFTWARE Micronics Technology software is available for all Heath/Zenith computers. This includes the 248, 150/160, 138/148/158, 100, 89 and H-8. Our software is also available for most other computer systems. Please specify your computer type, operating system, and disk format when ordering software. Software updates are free up to one month after the purchase date. After that time software updates to the current program version are available for only $10. Software updates for hardware products are available on our Bulletin Board System (BBS), free of charge or by ordering on disk for $5. Try our BBS at (205) 244-0192 (2400/1200/300 baud, 24 hrs) which features our H-89 20 meg winchester. Several mega bytes of CP/M and MS-DOS public domain software are also available for the cost of a phone call. We currently have UNARC and TYPE programs for CP/M that will un-ARC MS-DOS .ARC files. PRICE LIST H/Z-89 Products SM89 Speed Mod, assembled and tested $34.95 SM89d Software on alternate operating sys. $ 5.00 NZCOM MZ.COM, Autoinstalls ZCPR 3.4 $59.00 DSTAMP DateStamper, Time/Date Stamp files $45.00 ZSDOS ZS-DOS, Replacement BDOS, includes DateStamper and Public file ability $65.00 Hard Disks for H-89, H/Z 150/160, 248, and 386 WIN89 Winchester for H-89, 20 Meg, internal $419 WIN89i WIN Interface card & Software. You add ST-225 & Western Digital Controller $175 WIN89e External case for WIN89 ($5 shipping) $125 WIN89p Parallel Printer Port - Now FREE! 20meg 20 Meg Winchester for H/Z-150/160/148 ST225 drive with WD Controller $269 30meg 30 Meg Winchester for H/Z-150/160/148 ST238 drive with WD Controller $299 ST-125 FAST 20 Meg HD for 386,248,150/160,148 $269 28 ms avg access 20megf ST-125 20 meg, 28ms with WD Controller $339 30megf FASTER 30 Meg Winchester for 150/160/148 28 ms ST138 drive with WD Controller $399 40meg Seagate 40 Meg, 28ms drive for 248's and 386's $399 Software for all Heath/Zenith Computers H-8 to H-248 including 171 and 181 PPRNT Perfect Printer $19.95 PAYCHK Paycheck Payroll program $39.95 MTACCT MT Accountant $19.95 PMONY Perfect Money $19.95 SHIPPING COSTS ShipW WIN89, Hard Disk Systems (2 day) $14.00 Shipping UPS ground $ 7.00 ShipD Disk Drives, Modems, PC Cards $ 5.00 Ship Shipping on other products $ 2.00 ShipC Shipping on computers $30.00 H/Z 138/148/150/160, 248 and IBM PC Products SM150 Speed Mod, assembled and tested $34.95 SM100 Z-100 Speed Mod, assembled/tested $37.00 CRYS 18.432, 18.0, or 22.11 MHz crystals $ 1.00 V20 8 MHz, 33% duty cycle $12.00 HSC High Speed ALS Chip Set $ 8.00 DMA8 Harris 8 MHz DMA and Bus Controller $34.00 (includes HSC ALS Ship Set ) H/Z 138/148/150/160, 248 and IBM PC Products MTPAL MT PAL 640k or 704k RAM PAL $19.95 SPRPAL Super PAL 1.2 Meg RAM PAL $29.00 MT148 MT 148 704k RAM PAL for H/Z 1-48 $19.95 EXP148 1 1/2 card H/Z 148 Expansion Board $69.00 EV1250 8 MHz 286, supports 80287 $259.00 EV159 AT 3 Megabyte Memory expansion, 0k $ 95.00 EV165 XT 2 Megabyte Memory expansion, 0k $ 85.00 EV170B 1 Serial, 1 Parallel, Game port $ 69.00 EGA EGA card, 256k RAM, extended EGA $129.00 EV945 Everex 2400 baud external Modem $199.00 EV945E Everex 2400 baud ext. Modem, MNP $209.00 EV940 Everex 2400 baud internal modem $149.00 EV940E Everex 2400 baud int. modem, MNP $159.00 Z-181-92 External 5 1/4" Drive with cable $179 Z-181/183 Ext. 5 1/4" Drive (DB20) with cable $189 SWatch SmartWatch for Z-100/138/148/150/160 $29 EVEREX Step 286 and 386 Computers 286/12 12 MHz, 0 wait state, AT compatible $1699 286/16 16 MHz, 0 wait state, Faster AT $1999 386/16 386 16 MHz, 25ns cache, Faster yet! $2999 386/20 386/20 MHz, 25ns cache, THE FASTEST! $3499 DETAILED PRODUCT INFORMATION H-150/160 and IBM PC Speed Mod The Micronics Technology speed modification (Speed Mod) for the 150/160 and IBM PC's increases the operating SPEED and provides a hardware RESET. The Speed Mod is software controlled allowing you to select the operating speed from the keyboard. The computer boots at the slower speed and then switches automatically to the higher speed when the ROM tests are completed. A switch is still provided to "lock" the system to 4.77 MHz for games that require slower operation. The reset and speed select switches are mounted on a PC slot bracket at the rear of your computer. Speed Mod gives you the option of running at 4.77 MHz or increasing the operating speed to 6.67 or 7.37 MHz (extra crystals are $1 each). The high speed is easily changed by swapping the socketed crystal to maximize your 150/160 or IBM PC performance. The Speed Mod boards provide the correct PCLK signal at all times. This means the MS-DOS clock keeps the correct time and tones maintain the right pitch while at 4.77 or 7.37 MHz. The hardware reset switch allows you to recover from the worst cases of computer "lock up" without the wear and tear of actually cycling the power on and off. The HSC, DMA8, and V20 provide the necessary chips to run at faster speeds (7.4 MHz or greater). The DMA8 chips are rated for 8 MHz performance and eliminate the guess work involved in buying other manufacturers chips that are rated at only 5 MHz. The V20 provides 10- 20% real performance increase by itself. SPEED MOD for the H-150/160, Z-100, and IBM PC is satisfaction guaranteed. If you are not satisfied, simple return it within 30 days of purchase and we will promptly refund your money, except shipping. Z-100 Speed Mod The SM100 Speed Mod zips your Z-100 to 7.4 or 8 MHz. The Speed Mod mounts internally and speed select switch is installed on the back panel. Speed Mod provide the correct PCLK signal at all times. This means the MS-DOS clock keeps the correct time and tones maintain the right pitch while at 5, 7.4, or 8 MHz. H-89 Speed Mod The Micronics Technology 2/4 MHz Speed Mod for the H89 is an easily installed hardware modification allowing you to choose your operating speed through software. Installation requires no trace cuts or board modifications. Only a few lines of code must be added to the Heath BIOS. Speed Mod, assembled and tested, includes a Z80A, and software (CP/M and HDOS). Speed Mod also supports CDR and Magnolia systems. An autoinstall program, SPDBIOS.COM (CP/M only), makes the required changes to BIOS.ASM for you. The new code is also provided on the disk. SPEED.COM, with source code, is included to switch the H-89 between 2 and 4 MHz operation for applications requiring the slower clock speed. If you are running at 4 MHz, SPEED will switch you to 2 MHz operation and vice versa. SPEED (CP/M and HDOS) now includes options to set the speed to 2 or 4 MHz, tell what the current operating speed is, or simply toggle you between 2 and 4 MHz. Speed Mod software may be ordered in CP/M or HDOS formats. Software for both systems is included on each disk. You may order both CP/M and HDOS disk formats for additional $5. An assembled H17 SY driver is included. The code changes and instructions are detailed in several text files. Speed Mod's operation is transparent except your computer now runs twice as fast. Disk access will still require the same amount of time, but CPU bound programs will be noticeably faster. WordStar (tm) on a 4 MHz 89 is actually faster than on an standard 150! Order now and put some zip in your 89. WIN89 - January 11, 1988 WIN89 is an internal winchester compatible with all standard Heath/Zenith options for the H-89. It uses the CP/M operating system and Heath BIOS. WIN89 supports both CDR and Magnolia systems. HDOS support will be completed soon. Call for details. WIN89 consists of an interface card, a controller card, and a Seagate ST225 half-height winchester drive. You install the winchester drive in the internal floppy disk drive slot. The interface card uses one of the left (memory) side expansion slots. The controller card then plugs into the interface card and parallels the top of the cabinet. A bezel is provided to give your H-89 a professional appearance. The controller and drive can also be used with the 150/160 or any PC compatible. Complete software and instructions for installation in the 150/160 are included. You can enjoy the benefits of a hard disk now while maintaining your options for the future. The H89 and external versions have the controller card firmly mounted to the hard disk drive. Both our supplied Micronics Technology ROM and the standard Heath ROM are mounted in sockets on the interface card. Our software provides two options. You can boot from the winchester or switch (via software control) to the standard Heath ROM (MTR-90 or 2732 versions of MTR-89 required). The standard Heath ROM allows you to boot CP/M or HDOS from the floppy disk drives. WINBIOS, an autoinstall program installs the required changes in BIOS.ASM. You then perform the MAKEBIOS procedure as described in the Heath manuals and reboot your system with an operational 20 meg winchester! The hard disk is divided into three drives; two 8 meg drives and one 4 meg drive. When used as the boot device, the winchester automatically becomes drives A:, B: and C:. When you boot from the floppy, the hard disk drives become the last three units (D:, E:, and F: on a H-37 or H-17 only system). An upgraded power supply is required. This consists of heat sinks on the three power transistors and 78H05 or 78T05 used for U101. These parts are readily available from Heathkit. WIN89 works with both the H-37 and H-17 disk controllers, serial cards, and 16k RAM expansion card. An optional package to mount the WIN89 externally is available. A cabinet, power supply, and additional cables are supplied with this option. The connecting cable does not require a slot in the backplane of the H-89. WIN89 also provides a Centronics parallel printer port! ZCPR, version 2.2, is supplied free of charge. Assembled modules tailored for the H-89 and two pages of detailed instructions make ZCPR installation easy. MT PAL and MT148 - January 2, 1989 MT PAL replaces the existing memory PAL on your 320k RAM card. It supports 320k, 640k, and 704k RAM options. For 640k and 704k, options you will need to buy 18 150 ns, 256k RAMs. The instructions show CPU switches settings for each memory configuration. MT PAL is perfect for those systems using expanded memory cards. You can fully populate your main computer memory to 704k and STILL have 2 meg or more with most expanded memory (EMS) compatible memory cards. The MT148 provides the same capability for the 148 computer. It allows you to use 704k of the RAM already installed in your computer instead of the 640k that Zenith allows! Super PAL - January 11, 1988 ****** NEW ****** Super PAL replaces the existing memory PAL with a daughter card that supports 256k memory chips in all five banks for an astounding 1.2 megabytes on a single memory card. Super PAL is compatible with EMS memory cards. The supplied memory disk driver allows you to use a full 640k program memory AND a 640k memory disk! EVEREX Products - August 1, 1988 ****** NEW ****** Everex Hard Disks - We buy our hard disk systems from Everex. This means that you get the highest quality drives and controllers AND a one year warranty! EXCELARATOR (EV-1250) - 8MHz 286 upgrade for your 150. The EXCELARATOR runs at 8 MHz with no wait states. Version 3.0B (or greater) monitor ROM required. Get 248 performance in your 150/160! The EXCELARATOR turns in a Norton 9.0! The same as a 248. Faster than 12 MHz boards using memory cache. Sold without RAM but the EXCELARATOR can use your system RAM (Norton 7.0 due to wait states). For a full 640k of EXCELARATOR RAM 18 256k x 1, 120 ns and 18 64k x 1, 120 ns are required. Installed and tested RAM is available. Supports the 80287! RAM 3000 Deluxe (EV159) - 3 Meg RAM board for your 248! Supports the EMS standard. The RAM 3000 will backfill your main memory WITHOUT wasting valuable RAM. Fillin that last 128k and use the remaining 128k from that bank for EMS memory. Maxi Magic EMS (EV165) - 2 Meg RAM board for your 150/160! Supports the EMS standard. Magic I/O (EV170B) - I/O card for the Zenith PC computers. The EV170B features one Serial (2 optional), one Parallel port, and one Game port. Micro Enhancer Deluxe EGA (EGA) - Enhanced autoswitch EGA card with 256k RAM. Supports CGA and Hercules graphics, 132 columns, 640x350, 752x410, or 640x480. Includes a parallel port. External and Internal Modems. Top performance 300/1200/2400 baud modems. MNP error correction is available on both ext. and int. versions. The external modems include a built in speaker phone! EVEREX STEP Computers 286/12 and 286/16 These high performance AT compatible computers come with 1 serial and 1 parallel port, a 101 keyboard, hard and floppy controller, 1.2 meg 5.25" drive, and MS-DOS 3.3. One meg of ZERO wait state RAM is included. Additional RAM is available. The hard disk controller uses a 1:1 interleave for the highest performance possible. There are two 8-bit and six 16-bit expansion slots. All this power is housed in a small foot print case. 386/16 and 386/20 These top rated computers achieve the highest performance using a 64k cache memory of 25ns RAM. The advanced technology manages an incredible "hit" rate of over 90%. The 386 computers feature: 1 serial and 1 parallel port, a 101 keyboard, hard (1:1 interleave) and floppy controller, 1.2 meg 5.25" drive, and MS-DOS 3.3. One meg of RAM is included. Additional RAM is available. The motherboard provides support for both the 80387 and Weitek 1167 math co- processors. The chassis and controllers will support five half height drives (or one full and three half height). Expansion capability is assured with two 8-bit and six 16-bit expansion slots. Perfect Money **Available NOW**. December 7, 1988 Perfect Money is a loan savings calculator. It handles balloon payments, payment schedules, savings plans, and more. Available for all Zenith computers from the H-89 and H-100 to the H-386 MT ACCOUNTANT June 9, 1986 MT Accountant will organize your financial records by account and date. You can edit, delete, add, or browse through each record in the database. Reports subtotal each account, maintain a running subtotal, and print a grand total at the end of the report. The database has two main indexes: alphanumeric accounts, and dates. Each account index is sorted again by date. Example account names are: Supply, Income, Checks1, or any other combination of up to fifteen letters and numbers. MT Accountant features a full screen editor to add, edit, and delete records in the database. Each record has an account, date, amount, and two forty character description fields. The screen editor enables you to back up a field, leave the data as shown, quit the data entry process, or ask for help with the function keys. Function keys allow you to insert, jump to the beginning or end of an entry, delete a character, or delete the remaining characters in the entry. MT Accountant is completely menu driven. The menus present each option and MT Accountant ensures that you enter a valid response. The reports function totals each account and provides a grand total of all accounts. You can send the reports to the screen, printer, or to a disk file. Records in the report may also be sorted by account, date, or not at all! You may also specify which accounts are credits and which are debits. You can search the database by account or date to find a particular record. If you only know part of the account or date, MT Accountant will show you the closest matching record and let you browse through the database records. PAYCHECK February 2, 1987 Paycheck is a user-friendly, menu driven payroll program developed at the request of local restaurant owners. Paycheck is available for the IBM PC, MS-DOS, and CP/M computers. Paycheck keeps track of each employee and the wages or salary paid to them each pay period. All taxes are calculated and a running total is kept. Year-to-date and Quarter totals for each employee are also kept. Paycheck will print checks and check stubs for you. All you have to do is create an Employee file and update a Weekly file (Paycheck makes this easy) and Paycheck handles the rest! Paycheck also works great for businesses that don't use tip calculations. Simply turn the tip feature off with the supplied configuration program and you have the database power of Paycheck at your command. Paycheck maintains a record of each employee including name, address, social security number, marital status/allowances, wage, and salaries. You assign each employee a number which Paycheck uses to track the employee. In addition to wages and salaries, you can also specify miscellaneous amounts, additional tax, and insurance deductions for each employee. Each pay period you use Paycheck to update a separate pay file. This file contains each employee's gross pay, tip pay, all taxes, and the net pay for each pay period. From this information, Paycheck will calculate the employee's effective wages and all taxes. When this file is completed, Paycheck can print the weekly payroll for you or just the check stubs to create a paper record. Summaries of each "group" of employees are also printed. For example, all employees with numbers between 100 and 200 can be considered one group. You define the groups using the configuration program. Paycheck also keeps a record of the total social security and federal withholding taxes (wages and tips) that must be paid by the employer. Paycheck also handles state taxes. Call to check on the availability of PayCheck for your state. If we don't currently support your state income tax and you provide the tax information, we will include your state tax system at no charge. Paycheck includes a configuration program (no additional charges when the tax tables change!), sample data files, and full documentation in a ten page manual. PERFECT PRINTER May 12, 1985 Perfect Printer allows you to use your printer as a typewriter for forms, envelopes, and short notes! You can type in immediate or buffered modes. In addition, you can use many of your printer's special features. In immediate mode, characters typed are sent directly to the printer. Buffered mode allows you the luxury of correcting any mistakes on the screen before they are printed. The line is not printed until a is pressed. Special printer functions can be used any time with escape codes or special function keys. Perfect Printer supports the use of boldface, shadow printing, and other special printer features. The distribution disk contains Perfect Printer and the configuration program. Versions available now include: H-89 (HDOS or CP/M), Z-100, Z- 100 PC, Z-200 PC, IBM, SANYO, MS-DOS using ANSI.SYS. CONCLUSION Thank you for your interest. We are a small company dedicated to providing the best products and service to the Heath/Zenith User. Please call or write if you have any additional questions. Sincerely, Darrell C. Pelan